Messages from the Chairperson of NTSL,Fiscal year:2020


Nara Two-Meter SSB lovers (NTSL) has been enjoying ham radio, mainly in the 144 MHz band for over 40 years, thanks to the constant study and effort of our wonderful senior staff. We aim for friendship between member stations and technical improvement.

Although many events, such as “Kansai Ham Festival” and “Ham Fair” in Tokyo, have been postponed or canceled due to the new coronavirus this year, we are communicating with each other closely with ham radio, and without fear of physical closeness.

Five operators, two new YL(Young Lady) operators, operators from Tawaramoto-cho and Gojo-city joined our club last year, and we come together to maintain each radio and antenna.

We are proud that our usual activity, Friday rollcall, is counted more than two thousand times, and “Monday on the air meeting” starting last year is operating smoothly. Also, we communicate through SNS(Social Networking Service) and moreover, we sometimes hold a tea party with a small number of people to deepen exchanges.

Besides, we operated the Kansai-ham-festival commemorative station, 8J3XXV, in various parts of Nara Prefecture this year.  In addition, we conducted a workshop for beginners in Sakurai-City. In this training course, we took the initiative in helping non-licensed participants operate the ham radio for the first time in Japan. They operated 8J3YAA.Nara Two-Meter SSB Lovers(NTSL) has been participating in events held by the JARL Nara Branch Office. We hope you will be interested in our club and new ham operators will be born.

Amateur radio is known as the “King of Hobbies.” It deals with the precious resource of radio waves, and we believe there is no greater happiness than associating with both people from abroad and within our neighborhood, and neighbors can help each other friendly to operate the ham radio.

Finally, many radio operators inside and outside the prefecture have taken part in the so-called “Nara Contest” sponsored by our club in February every year, because our unique rules are highly rated. We are making preparations for the next 43rd contest so that you can enjoy it more. We are expecting a lot of people to attend our contest.

November 17, 2020.

                                               Chairman Makoto Okada / JA3FWU

                                               Editor:  Secretariat